[issue:189] Re: CTAN Upload: platex

Ina Dau ina @ ctan.org
2018年 4月 9日 (月) 08:10:04 JST

Hi Japanese TeX Development Community ,

Thanks for the upload. I've installed the new version and updated the
catalogue repository.

The changes should become available on the mirrors within the next 24
hours. Then I will post the announcement.

< Package name: platex
< Version:      2018-04-08
< Authors:      Kazuki Maeda; Japanese TeX Development Community
< Uploader:     Japanese TeX Development Community
< Uploader email:       issue @ texjp.org
< Upload type:  announce
< Location:     /language/japanese/platex
< License:      bsd3
< Home:
< Announce:
< Repository:   https://github.com/texjporg/platex
< Support:
< Bugs:
< Development:
< Topics:
< Summary:      pLaTeX2e and miscellaneous macros for pTeX
< Announcement:
< * Support LaTeX2e 2018-04-01 patch level 2.
< ---
< Note:
< ---

Kind regards
Ina Dau

for the CTAN Team

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