[issue:205] Re: TLContrib packages into MacPorts?

Hironobu Yamashita h.y.acetaminophen @ gmail.com
2018年 7月 6日 (金) 02:32:14 JST

2018/07/05 23:44, Richard Koch <koch @ uoregon.edu>のメール:

>> TL does not distribute packages which require nonfree files;
>> "ptex-fontmaps-macos" and "cjk-gs-integrate-macos" require
>> macOS-bundled fonts (Hiragino TTC format etc.), so they cannot go to TL
>> Dick, would you mind adding these packages into MacTeX?
> The TeXLive in MacTeX is exactly the full TeXLive from TUG. Nothing is added
> and nothing is removed. I've enforced this condition for years.
> Adding the packages would mean violating this principle, which I am reluctant to do.


> But if I added the packages, the DVD version and the internet version would
> not be the same.

That point didn't come to my mind. Any difference between DVD version
and internet one would cause extra complexity, so we will need to take
another solution. Thank you very much for your comments.

> Dick Koch
> PS: I just got back from San Francisco, where I heard The Ring and went to a
> symposium about it. At the symposium, I learned that the Gonzaga family
> in Italy during the Renaissance had the following motto;
>    "Maybe yes. Maybe no."


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