[issue:193] Re: Missing ".tex" in latex tools

Joseph Wright joseph.wright @ morningstar2.co.uk
2018年 5月 8日 (火) 15:11:05 JST

On 08/05/2018 04:17, Hironobu Yamashita wrote:
> Hi Karl,
> (cc: Joseph)
> The file ".tex" in latex tools is missing since r47329:
>    Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/.tex
> due to a problem in l3build script.
> Joseph's fix of l3build arrived (r47629), so please reinstall
> latex tools when you have time.
> Best,
> Hironobu Yamashita

Hello Hironobu,

It will reappear the next time we upload a kernel revision: there are 
still a few things being sorted I think after the latest release, so it 
should not be long.


issue メーリングリストの案内