[issue:465] CTAN update: japanese-otf

Manfred manfred @ ctan.org
2023年 2月 24日 (金) 16:22:29 JST

The Japanese TeX Development Community  submitted an update to the



Version number: 2023-02-23
License type: bsd3

Summary description: Advanced font selection for platex and its friends

Announcement text:

Based on japanese-otf-uptex Ver.0.28.

Common between platex and uplatex:

* otf.sty: Set option autodetect-engine default. Add a new option platex to
check if engine is platex.


* Support Kana Letter Small Ko defined by Unicode 15.0.
* Update reference Unicode Blocks-15.0.0.txt, Adobe-Japan1-7 cid2code.txt
(Version 05/18/2022).


This package is located at

More information is at


   Thanks for the upload.

     For the CTAN Team
    Manfred Lotz

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