[issue:472] CTAN update: japanese-otf

petra @ ctan.org petra @ ctan.org
2023年 6月 26日 (月) 22:35:18 JST

The Japanese TeX Development Community submitted an update to the



Version:  2023-06-25
License:  bsd3

Summary description:  Advanced font selection for platex and its friends

Announcement text:
 Based on japanese-otf-uptex Ver.0.29.

 Common between platex and uplatex:

 * otf.sty: Add an option 'noruby' not to use kana glyphs optimized
   for ruby.
 * Fix bug on *brsgnmlminl, *nmlgotheb.
 * Fix issue related to \kanjishape


 * Extended CID base multi-weight fonts (seven sets of family/series)
   in \CID{}, \CIDC{}, \CIDT{}, \CIDK{}.
   It enables to typeset multi-weights for macros \CIDC{}, \CIDT{},


The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at

The package’s files themselves can be inspected at


   Thanks for the upload.

     For the CTAN Team
    Petra Rübe-Pugliese


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