[issue:482] Re: CTAN Upload: uptex-base
ttk @ t-lab.opal.ne.jp
ttk @ t-lab.opal.ne.jp
2024年 10月 12日 (土) 17:08:16 JST
Hi Petra,
Thank you for your suggestion.
I want to keep samples/aozora-utarticle-utf8.tex and remove
samples/aozora-utf8.tex .
I re-submitted uptex-base.zip.
Best regards,
> Hello Takuji,
> Thank you for this upload.
> Just one question before I continue with the installation on CTAN:
> I noticed two _identical_ files
> samples/aozora-utarticle-utf8.tex
> and samples/aozora-utf8.tex .
> We try to avoid this in general:
> https://ctan.org/file/help/ctan/CTAN-upload-addendum#noduplicatefiles
> Is there a special reason for keeping both of them,
> or may I delete one of the two, and if so, which one?
> I will wait for your answer before taking any further action.
> Kind regards,
> Petra Rübe-Pugliese
> for the CTAN team
issue メーリングリストの案内