[issue:320] Re: italian.ldf error on platex
Claudio Beccari
claudio.beccari @ gmail.com
2019年 11月 16日 (土) 19:21:40 JST
Hi Yamashita.
I inserted your patch in my working copy of italian.ldf; you certainly
already dit it in your working copy of italian.ldf. Now I try to verify
id the patch is working, and I use the following short file
% !TEX TS-program = pdfLaTeX
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
% Test babel+italian.ldf under xelatex, pdflatex, uplatex
\usepackage[english, italian]{babel}
\usepackage[japanese, english, italian]{babel}
Lingua \languagename, pattern \the\language.
l'avvedutezza avanti l'articolo away ayo abaco l'accidente acerrimo
l'adirato aedo
un'affranta afisico afoso l'agone ahhhh l'aiuto ajta alternativa ambedue
annichilire l'aorta l'appurare acqua Aristarco artistica L'albero
l'enfasi l'eccezionalità l'altra l'ircocervo l'Illiria l'omeopatia
l'astrattismo atroce
un'automobile avere avicola awak ayno l'azalea l'uguaglianza un'umanità
accolito un'acqua l'addomesticare l'aeroplano affidare l'agone l'aiuto
l'assurdo l'abaco
un elemento un'eccezionalità un'inedia un'aorta un'occasione l'Occitania
ampolla annoso l'inutilità l'artatamente l'astrologia l'attenzione
autore avanti avventure
away ayo azzardo L'Australia L'Europa l'uguaglianza l'umanità
Lingua \languagename\ sillabazione \the\language
Codice minuscolo di ': \the\lccode`'
\unless\ifcsname pdfmatch\endcsname Codice minuscolo di ' con pdfmatch:
\ifcsname Umathcode\endcsname Codice minuscolo di ' con Umathcode:
Lingua \languagename, pattern \the\language.
Codice minuscolo di ': \the\lccode`'
\unless\ifcsname pdfmatch\endcsname Codice minuscolo di ' con pdfmatch:
\ifcsname Umathcode\endcsname Codice minuscolo di ' con Umathcode
Lingua \languagename, pattern \the\language.
Codice minuscolo di ': \the\lccode`'
\unless\ifcsname pdfmatch\endcsname Codice minuscolo di ' con pdfmatch:
\ifcsname Umathcode\endcsname Codice minuscolo di ' con Umathcode
This is not a perfect test file, because I actually do not know how to
use uplatex with babel.
In any case the first two lines are the so called “magic lines” that
configure the shell editor to run with the specified program; if your
shell editor does not understand these auto-configuration lines, never
mind; just use the engine you want to test the file by giving the
suitable command from the command line.
Now the tests with "pdfmatch" and "Umathcode" are not understood by
pdflatex; this is why I use package iftex, that defines the switches
\ifPDFTeX, \ifXeTeX and \ifLuaTeX; these tests are false with any other
engine. I do not know any package that defines the equivalent of
\ifUPTeX, therefore I cannot really test with uplatex.
If you run the file with XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX you get all the output
lines of the document body. If you run the file with pdfLaTeX you get
only some output, because the tests \unless\ifcsname pdfmatch\endcsame
and \ifcsname Umathcode\endcsname are both false; nevertheless the lc
code of the apostrophe is correct with "italian" and "english" (babel
language names).
If you run the file with uplatex you get the same output as with
pdflatex, just because the last test \unless\ifPDFTeX is false by default.
If you comment the opening and closing lines of such final test and run
the file with uplatex, you get an error from babel that complains
saying that the used engine does not match the engines for which babel
can work; among these engines there are ptex and uptex! I do not know if
this is a babel glitch or if it is my fault because I do not know how to
use uplatex; probably the second.
Therefore at the moment I have some doubts to upload to CTAN my working
italian.ldf file; it certainly behaves as the current version, but I am
not sure it works when Japanese is one of the languages specified to babel.
Please, can you give me some instructions on the correct way to use uplatex?
Thank you
On 15/11/2019 17:30, Hironobu Yamashita wrote:
> Hi Claudio,
> Thanks for maintaining the package babel-italian.
> But I noticed that \usepackage[italian]{babel} cannot
> be used on platex and uplatex after TeX Live 2018:
> MWE:
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage[italian]{babel}
> \begin{document}
> a
> \end{document}
> Error:
> ! Bad character code (8217).
> <to be read again>
> =
> l.3 \begin{document}
> ?
> The problem lies in \lccode"2019, as
> * pTeX and upTeX are not Unicode-compliant, so \lccode allows
> only 0--255.
> * pdfTeX is not Unicode-compilant either, so \lccode should never
> work for 256 or larger code (silently ignored without error?)
> Therefore, I propose the patch attached;
> here I used \Umathcode for detecting truely
> Unicode-compilant engines (= LuaTeX and XeTeX).
> Best regards,
> Hironobu
> ---
> Hironobu YAMASHITA
> GitHub: https://github.com/aminophen
> Japanese TeX Development Community https://texjp.org/
issue メーリングリストの案内