[issue:321] Re: italian.ldf error on platex

Hironobu Yamashita h.y.acetaminophen @ gmail.com
2019年 11月 16日 (土) 21:02:48 JST

Hi Claudio,

Thanks for testing ;-)

> % !TEX TS-program = pdfLaTeX
> % !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode

Sorry I'm not using any shell editor, nor using "magic lines";
I don't know how to set it up for platex or uplatex.
Just I type the commands directly on the terminal,

* For platex: "ptex2pdf -l test.tex"
  (-> just the same as "platex test.tex" then "dvipdfmx test.dvi")
* For uplatex: "ptex2pdf -l -u test.tex"
  (-> just the same as "uplatex test.tex" then "dvipdfmx test.dvi")

> I do not know any package that defines the equivalent of
> \ifUPTeX, therefore I cannot really test with uplatex.

The iftex package provides \ifpTeX for ptex, \ifupTeX for upTeX.

* On pTeX, \ifpTeX is true; \ifupTeX is false.
    \ifPDFTeX, \ifXeTeX, \ifLuaTeX are false.
* On upTeX, both \ifpTeX and \ifupTeX are true.
    \ifPDFTeX, \ifXeTeX, \ifLuaTeX are false.

I adjusted your test file to work with all of the following engines:
pdflatex, xelatex, lualatex, platex, uplatex.
Please find the attached "babel-italian-claudio.tex".
For convenience, I also attach my working copy of italian.ldf
and its source italian.dtx.


-------------- next part --------------
ファイル名: babel-italian-claudio.tex
型:         application/x-tex
サイズ:     2220 バイト
説明:       無し
URL:        <http://ml.texjp.org/pipermail/issue/attachments/20191116/d445a32a/attachment.tex>

-------------- next part --------------
ファイル名: italian.dtx
型:         application/octet-stream
サイズ:     72503 バイト
説明:       無し
URL:        <http://ml.texjp.org/pipermail/issue/attachments/20191116/d445a32a/attachment.obj>

-------------- next part --------------
ファイル名: italian.ldf
型:         application/octet-stream
サイズ:     11158 バイト
説明:       無し
URL:        <http://ml.texjp.org/pipermail/issue/attachments/20191116/d445a32a/attachment-0001.obj>

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