[issue:387] Re: CTAN Upload: japanese-otf

Erik Braun erik @ ctan.org
2020年 11月 14日 (土) 22:39:58 JST

Hello Takuji Tanaka,

Thanks for this upload:

> Package:        japanese-otf  [found]
> Type:           silent        [found]
> Version:        1.7b8 2020-11-14
> Version number: 1.7b8 [was: 1.7b8]

Please remember that the version number must be increased when a package 
is updated.

> Version date:   2020-11-14    [was: 2019-04-01]

Additionally, this new date is not found in the files. 

Could you please update files accordingly and re-upload the package again?

Thank you,
Erik Braun 

for the CTAN team

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