[issue:389] Re: CTAN Upload: japanese-otf
ttk @ t-lab.opal.ne.jp
ttk @ t-lab.opal.ne.jp
2020年 11月 15日 (日) 09:24:23 JST
Dear Erik Braun,
Thank you for your comment.
The package is maintained as (1) original source code and (2) a package with binary tfm/vf font data.
(1) is maintained by Mr. Shuzaburo Saito.
(2) is maintained by Japanese TeX Development Community
The version number of (1) is "1.7b8" (the latest) and that of (2) is "2020-11-14".
Because the present submission does not include update of (1),
I think "Version: 1.7b8 2020-11-14" is appropriate.
In addition, the present update intends to fix small typo only and
do not affect on outputs of typeset.
Best regards,
Takuji Tanaka
ttk @ t-lab.opal.ne.jp
> Hello Takuji Tanaka,
> Thanks for this upload:
> > Package: japanese-otf [found]
> > Type: silent [found]
> > Version: 1.7b8 2020-11-14
> > Version number: 1.7b8 [was: 1.7b8]
> Please remember that the version number must be increased when a package
> is updated.
> > Version date: 2020-11-14 [was: 2019-04-01]
> Additionally, this new date is not found in the files.
> Could you please update files accordingly and re-upload the package again?
> Thank you,
> Erik Braun
> for the CTAN team
issue メーリングリストの案内