[issue:390] Re: CTAN Upload: japanese-otf

Erik Braun erik @ ctan.org
2020年 11月 15日 (日) 16:28:23 JST

On Sun, 15 Nov 2020, ttk @ t-lab.opal.ne.jp wrote:

> (1) is maintained by Mr. Shuzaburo Saito.
> http://psitau.kitunebi.com/otf.html
> (2) is maintained by Japanese TeX Development Community
> https://github.com/texjporg/japanese-otf-mirror/releases
> The version number of (1) is "1.7b8" (the latest) and that of (2) is "2020-11-14".
> Because the present submission does not include update of (1),
> I think "Version: 1.7b8 2020-11-14" is appropriate.

Thanks for the explanation. But nevertheless the updated date should be 
highlighted at least a little bit, for example in the modified files
makeotf, mkjvf, …

I've installed the new version and updated the catalogue repository, since 
there is actually a “20201114.0” at the end of the README which I have 
overlooked the last time. Sorry.

The changes should become available on the mirrors within the next 24

Kind regards
Erik Braun

for the CTAN Team

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