[issue:368] Fwd: Question about pTeX

Akira Kakuto kakuto @ w32tex.org
2020年 9月 30日 (水) 19:20:41 JST

Dear Igor,

I'm not a maintainer of p-TeX, and I don't know on details of it.
I think that you will have some information by texdoc ptex-guide-en.pdf.
I forward your email to the address printed by ptex --help.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Question about pTeX
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2020 16:20:24 +0700
From: Igor Liferenko <igor.liferenko @ gmail.com>
To: kakuto @ w32tex.org

Hi Akira,

Please say what is the principle of p-TeX. I heard it is "japanese
TeX" and I thought that maybe you know about it.

I'm interested to know which principle is used in p-TeX.
I want to compare it with my implementation (see attachment).


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ファイル名: utf8.pdf
型:         application/pdf
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